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hot damn, this is still alive. Gotta respect the grind for tall birch mommies creation

(1 edit)

Idk man I'd be asking same question

The Birch Demon shall persist through all adversities!! 


horror-ish smut is so rare. i like the direction of this project, even as slow as it's going. good luck.



played this game a year ago, I could not find it after that but it just popped back up on the home page of ITCH! so glad to see its still alive.



I i just uploaded this and i don't know where to share it to so here it is if anyone want to watch 

Nice video! love it 😂


i like a lot the creepy black version of her but after she catch me when i move through the map, the place i suppose should have an object, there is only a glow, 

also will like to keep the thing of when diying going to the menu with option to choose the map so is easier to find all the animations

Heya! if you mean the third level on a purple area it is not implemented yet (as of 0.5) but it is something to be expected on the 0.6 update which is coming soon to public!


Glad to see this game is still being worked on!
I also have something to say for v 0.5, on the third stage there seems to be no way of progressing, both types of the third stage have a magenta glow where a toy would be but there is none, and I haven't found anything else that would let me move on to what is next


Hey! it is not implemented yet (as of 0.5) but it is something to be expected on the 0.6 update which is coming soon to public!

I am having problems with unzipping the v0.5, but I can unzip all other versions fine for some reason

I'm not sure, but it could be the file extracting tool you are using, it is compressed just like the previous updates


Is there supposed to be something in the second part of the second lvl, when you find the white bundle of sticks, and the lvl after that one when you get caught? I keep finding a blue/purple colored tree area but I can not interact with it? Overall fun game.


same here. I think it may be some kind of bug, as for me, my cursor appears on screen, like its a cutscene, but nothing happens


yea, my cursor does appears when i move in closer so im not sure if there is suppose to be some kind of interaction.


Same here

Heya! if you mean the third level on a purple area it is not implemented yet (as of 0.5) but it is something to be expected on the 0.6 update which is coming soon to public!


Im happy to see that the game is going quite smoothly, the update is pretty nice and the game runs much smoother than before, the extra scenes are also deliciously spicy!
Keep up the good work!



Does the the Birch Demon just give you a "gameover screen," or is there a jumpscare/specific scene that initiates the gameover screen?


On 0.4 it is a gameover but in 0.5 the game continues to another level

finally new oopdate. Been waiting for this for a while.

also how do i put the full screen?


Alt + Enter

this is just perfect i moved from the old to the new pc this game and now can run it smooth so i ended it and saw the link, and see a new release (honestly now that i can see her better i wanna draw her she is cute)

Nice! I'd love to see your art!


Will there be any more updates?


Yes! Yesterday a new update just got released

(1 edit) (+3)

i would love to see a saving system so i dont have to start from the beginning after i die at the end or at level2

or a scene/jumpscares gallery after unlocking a jumpscare you can rewatch it for you know what. so being killed is an actual reward

i love this game btw

Just updated with a skip feature 

Thank you! ❤️


project still alive?





can you make a save point or check points that you can load into, cuz when you die you have to do the game all over again:(, but beside that the game is great 🥰💖


This is a nice game , simple animation but looking good. Gameplay and maps is also good , game have potential and i can't wait for the new update. I hope will be more characters , maps , and CG or Animated scens :3. And i have one question , anyone know what is it ??? i found this in second map...


Thank you!! something might happen when both are pressed


not sure if that was your original intention, but strafing whilst sprinting makes you fast as fuck essentially making the game much easier but other than that its a great game.

Thanks! I couldn't fix it :(

What endings are there? First try I got the tea one.


Gotta say this game had more to it than I expected. I kinda expected a Slender clone but this game has a coherent (if not simple) story & the mix of 2D & 3D artstyles give it some cool unique visuals. The horror elements aren't bad either. Overall I enjoyed this game quite a bit & look forward to your future projects. 



(1 edit) (+6)(-1)

Hehe, tree titties.


This game is good, I'd love to see some paizuri stuff

(1 edit) (+1)

It's very good! I'm really not into horror games as I get scared extremely easily and don't like to be too, but this game isn't too over the top with horror. Very well appreciated this. Pretty unfortunate that the source code was lost but I'm definitively looking forward to that remake. I was thinking you could perhaps decompile the game somehow to recover a large portion of the game, but I haven't looked into this solution myself.

Anyway, here's some feedback after this wall of text:

  • Graphics are pretty good, them not being too complex but enough to have details is a big plus
  • It feels somewhat confusing or slow at times, especially when trying to find the last few totems
  • I struggled at the start to know what to do. I at first thought the totems were cobwebs and didn't bother doing anything with them for a good while
  • I believe I saw your response concerning checkpoints and that the lack of them was intentional, but I really think it could make the game be much more appealing to a bunch of players if an option to have a checkpoint when entering the dark forest was available
  • I actually really like that the birch demon can be stopped at any distance as long as you look in her direction, no matter if actual sight is present

Thank you for the feedback!! i originally intended to make the game more intuitive and keep the player from wandering off too much, but also have some time to explore and get spooked which was pretty hard to balance both out.

There's a hidden cheat code that allows you to skip the first level somewhere, which i guess a lot of players missed due to being too hidden

And again, thank you so much for the feedback! i'm taking notes to apply everything on the remake of the game,  it'll take a while because i plan on having higher production value when it gets released, so i'm focusing on getting better at art and coding in general.

-Myst ♡


Decent game and animations. a checkpoint system would be nice depending on how many scenes though


Very Nice, but please add checkpoints

I can't upload images for some reason, but if you press g + 2 at the same time you can skip the first level


the images alone make this game look like Slenderman and the 12 pages


add a gallery and how do i get all the endings?

how do i get all the endings? i got only the last one


who can tell me how to make the game fullscreen

You can do "Alt+Enter" to go Fullscreen (sorry for being so late, hope it helps still)


My advice:

1.The location of the totem needs to be easier to spot.

2.Archiving is allowed.

3.Add a gallery to the game.

4.Reduce the number of totems.

5.Make the sex scene more complete.

6.Make sex sound more real.

7.Add more maps and characters.

Thank you so much for making a fun game!

Please keep creating fun games!


Isn't it actually just "follow the dirt roads and you'll find the totems?"


Someday she'll return, don't worry :)



Awesome game, cant wait for the update. A sugestion i would give is to increase interaction with both the birch wich and the mushrooms ladies (or any future characters you might add), maybe some sort of minigame to stun them and lewd them in some way

did anyone do full galley from this game? cause it got no save and i can't do all animation 

Is there gonna be any further updates?

If i ever find the project file then yes, but a remake with better graphics is on my to-do list

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