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(2 edits)

How execute on Linux? on the site it says it has version 0.2.1 for Linux but there is no Linux executable like .sh just .exe (Windows)

can you please make a save point or something? and make a gallary?

is that shining? why? 

(1 edit) (+1)

My thoughts on 0.3 - I. Love. It.

2 New Game overs, a hidden image

and an ending that explains why they freeze while being looked at!

Deleted 2 years ago

I think i fixed it, please notify me if 0.3 is still missing

Deleted 2 years ago

It works now.

(9 edits)

Hi! Idk if was someone notice this or you know about this but if u run obliquely. U are still much quicker than her

Also funny thing. When u looking on her directly and u will look up or down. She still stand  



Oh, i totally forgot to fix this bug, thanks for notifying me!!

For now the new monster is my fav


Also, love the new version, hope someday we get a gallery, maybe a boob demon scene, or a mushroom one. But the thing i would love the most is a complete rape scene by the demons, that every one have a scene of that type when we lose to them

A save sistem would be great

Why cant I pick up the totems? Pressing E near them but norhing happens...

Maybe you didn't get close enough?

Just thought I'd say, thank you for making this game.

♡♡ Thank you for playing!!

Very Nice game so far, but could I ask for a counter on how many Totems you have found/have left to find? Would help a bit with keeping track.

That's on the current bucket list at the moment, as the first level seems way harder than it should after this update

Deleted post


The last update lags more than the first lol, it's strange because the graphics don't seem to be very heavy, Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion runs with more than 60 fps on my pc and the graphics are similar to this game, but of course the engine is different.

Might be some setting on unity related to your pc, are you using windows 32 bit, or maybe some outdated driver??

Drivers are up to date and the system is 64-bit. Which GPU did you use in the test?

Gtx 550

It really is something on my old gpu, I think from the performance a 3rd or 2nd gen i3 integrated gpu should work without issue. In the case of the cpu, even a celeron or pentium should already run.


Game was simple but good, but my biggest concern is the Witch's AI- Mainly, how it works.

How the witch works is that she freezes in place when in your Field of View, but will chase you when not looking. This AI is easily exploitable by having her in your FoV while moving backwards to look for totems, and turning away and back to get her closer, repeating.

Her AI in the second portion to look for the dildo is barely any different, if not even easier by seeing her through the trees. She DOES slightly move while being looked at, but barely.

My idea- Maybe have a downside while the AI is in 'freeze' mode? I know it'd be difficult, but it'd make it more of a challenge. Also, the ending could maybe be that the forest is cleansed of the dark force letting you have sex with her?

PS- Mushroom Waifus are a good secret.


I thought of making the player move slower, and get her to move faster when staring for too long, but i thought that would make the game way more difficult than it is..

Maybe after a certain amount of time staring she turns into a birch tree and teleports to the signs?

Also, did not know the game over in part 2 is different


Make an mobile support?

Already replied below but here we go

Maybe, i'm not a big fan of mobile mainly because nsfw stuff is kind of censored a lot on the platform, and also because my game is 3d in first person which could make controls very frustrating to work with, but you might see mobile support on future projects, not this one unfortunately :(

Ahhh man i really wanted mobile support on that game


im a dumb person if someone could send me the nsfw scenes or something that would be appreciated(discord: your average anime fan#1600) if you tell me to fuck off and do it myself that is also understandable. have a good day/night.


Hey Mimist, I really like this game and have been playing since the first version. Love the plant life update but sometimes totems hide in it a bit too well. Also in the second part, are you supposed to run her into 'the item' or click on it, I only got the final scene once as it seems a little inconsistent to trigger the ending scene. Other then that can't wait to see what you have next in store! I really was surprised at how I liked version 1 when this came out as a new game. I like the concept and it reminds me of the first slender back when that came out.    :)


Thank you!! i'll fix that on the next update, the totem thing was very overshadowed by the visuals , so i plan on making things more visible to the player with UI elements and etc..

I sent ya discord request so don't worry I got you

no discord request for me but okay :(


I hate to be that one guy but since no one else will address it is it possible to have this game on a mobile platform and if not that's ok

Maybe, i'm not a big fan of mobile mainly because nsfw stuff is kind of censored a lot on the platform, and also because my game is 3d in first person which could make controls very frustrating to work with, but you might see mobile support on future projects, not this one unfortunately :(

The first part when I looking for totems, the game lags a lot, the second part don't lags, but when I "die", the game starts all over again, this is bruh ;-;

This is bruh indeed, what are your pc specs? i'm currently working to fix performance on the first level

(1 edit)

I confess that my gpu is very bad, but for a game with graphics like this I don't think it should lag so much, it's a g41 express chipset, 8gb ram and core 2 quad q8200.

Might be some setting on your computer though ... i did run tests on a pc with a pentium and 4gb Ram and didn't have too much trouble with performance though.

Deleted post

Thanks! A gallery is something i plan to add on later updates once i get most of the sprite work done


How about a gallery with all the lewd scenes once you beat the game? 

Also maybe like more difficulties, 

For example:


-default game with no changes


-darker map and totems are harder to find


-even more darker map (with flashlight) 

-totems are harder to find 

-blink meter ( when it goes down you blink) 

I hope these suggestions get added in the next version :)

Anyways have a floppa image

God bless big floppa 🙏🙏

Is that a yes or a no

Perhaps, if the project goes well

The game is quite good, the only thing I would recommend is adding like a code system to skip levels so you dont have to re find the totems each time

Thanks! I might add it on later updates

it is missing the .sh to run on linux

(1 edit)

Current build is windows only, sorry :(

i was able to run it through wine


Well mark me down as scared AND horny



This game has tons of potential. For a game that's in its first build, there was a lot of quality in it and there's definitely a future for this game.

It has a cool asthetic, it feels very creepy and I like it. However, I'm not exactly sure this game should be an erotic game. I think the game is good by itself and that sex doesn't really have to do with the game itself. It could just be a regular horror game.

As for my suggestions, I think the game should have some form of telling you what to do. A majority of the game was just walking around aimlessly in a forrest while I occasionally went back here to see if something was explained in a comment. As for the forrest itself, I think it should be decorated more. Everything in the forrest looked the same and I think putting some random stuff around it like rocks, old debris, or maybe a well would go a long way in making it feel real. Maybe some landmarks too, like a river. A minimap would be cool too, but I can see thematicly why you wouldn't include it. Another thing was the FX, I thought the walking sound sounded more like someone eating chips than someone walking.

But yeah, with that said, I liked it and there's a lot of potential with the game. Keep up the good work!


Thank you for the honest review! I originally intended for the player to feel kind of lost, but because of the map size that feeling of lost probably ruined the experience for most players, even with the dirt patch that leads to the objectives kind of ended up not getting the players attention, which is something i'll try to make more clear on the next update, and also i agree that the map feels very empty and same-ish, but as soon as i'm done making the assets i might release a smaller update to fix most of these issues

Again, thanks for the review, it will help me improve things and understand the current issues!!

(1 edit)

how many totems are there? 
also great game!

i\m still petrified by the atmosphere


Thanks! There are currently 10 totems in total throughout the map, but since the release there's a bug i've been trying to fix that causes the game to end earlier than it should


i im quite a big fan of this game idk how else to put it i cant wait for future updates and if i may suggest for maybe more death scenes like if you collect a certain amount of totems and you get caught with said amount of totems you get a diff scene with the birch lady like 1 or 2 totems you get the normal scene and 3 or 4 she does the dirty with ya and if ya have 1 last totem but get caught she does something extra spicy idk what but something good


Thanks for the feedback!! i'll keep that in mind and if it works properly you'll get to see it in future updates! i cant make any promises as things could go wrong though


I am extremely paranoid when playing horror games, so this made me quite anxious. Good job.

Deleted 2 years ago

What if there were counter objectives you could do to get advantage moments where you can lewd her in various ways

Thats a really great idea! i originally intended to have something like that on later levels and keep the first one simple to introduce her to the player


The game is great , and I'm about to play v0.2, but if you could maybe add it where the sprite of the demon changes as you progress, maybe even the death screen? Or maybe add a futa version? idk great game tho!

Thank you for playing! I do have plans to make her change appearance and behavior in more future updates, but at the moment my focus is implementing more stuff and make the ambient feel less empty


I feel like if the monster is sexy maybe we should have a scene of getting fucked to death rather than a sexy death screen? 


i agree with ur thoughts


Well, say no more because update 0.2 is out !!!

I like the game but maybe add something for getting all the totems like a *special scene* maybe

What do you suggest?


Like if there are still totems in the game you can take the chance to continue to get the rest but increase the difficulty and if they win make like a special scene id


Damn this is pretty great! I wonder what is The (Thing) that she means to.


I just uploaded a little spoiler of what The thing is, and soon you'll get to see in the next update!!

Oh Ok!!! Thx a bunch Mister... or Mizz?




OK this is kind of creepy now I found the pit That after I run away from her and with my 10 brain cells in my balls I decide to jump to that pit and I can not get out but The main point is she still chasing me and looking down to me like in the picture .....Not gonna lie it is a nice view tho (To make it not Rude too much I drew a bar for her My mom told me ones if women not wear a bar their Nipple will end up pointing to thier toes)


Damn dude, nice hentai folder

Gonna take that as The gratitude then.


Oh yeah that pit isn't supposed to be there :( sorry

XD same


The game is really great i love it, but i think u should add some more nsfw, idk something after she trap us before the game over scene. I hope the continue of the story bring something better 7w7

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cute creepy

nc :)

ty :)


Nice game - simple, but pretty decent for a first. I really like the aesthetic, and the art is pretty good for what it is (I really enjoyed how you made the witch and the birches similar). As for drawbacks, the huge terrain and thick fog make walking in circles very likely, and I had a totem spawn inside the mountains (I managed to pick it up because a small bit of the mesh was still visible). I admit that after searching such a large area for what I think are 4 or 5 totems, the success cutscene felt a bit... lacking. I like how the game-over cutscene is ambiguous, though.

Anyway, I think you have the potential to make some decent NSFW games. Looking forward to see more from you!


Thank you for the feedback!! i originally intended the totems to be found through the small dirt patches around the map and also the totem bunch you found inside the mountain was intended for debug purposes and it was my fault it was visible ~_~ i had 2 other maps to use on future updates so i guess i'll have to make them smaller to prevent the player from getting lost.

Deleted post

Thanks! i'm really happy with how things turned out, and i have some of unreleased content i intend to add on future updates.


Honestly, not bad! Could use a little more content in the game, but, other than that, pretty good!


Thank you! i do have a little content update still under development, and i hope i can release it soon!!


Awesome! Can’t wait to play it!

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